I've seen Colmes every night on H&C since this story broke. He is making a colossal ass of himself. Not even rats speaking out against Kerry's words who are worried about their own races are trying to claim it was a joke gone bad.
I am so sick of him I am about to quit watching the show. He tries to get all the guests to agree with laughably absurd assertions and conclusions. IIRC, on last night's show not even Bob Beckel would agree with him. He interrupts constantly and never varies his formulaic attacks. He is clearly a proud graduate from the Democrat school of rhetoric, which includes talking nonstop over the other person, drowning out their answers and commentary when it disagrees with their own leftwing talking point. Democrats are constantly saying they raise issues because there should be a public dialogue over it, but then they do everything they can to silence voices in disagreement with their own.
I agree with all your comments on Colmes. I don't much care for Hannity either. Though I often agree with him I find him smug, pious, and a whiner. Still, I love his technique of hitting hypocritical Dems with simple, clear, yes or no questions that they cannot answer without enraging either their base or middle America.