"Wonder who is English impaired?"
Remember Lurch is the learning impaired, he got straight Ds his first year, and only one weak C. That is not the record of anyone except one that is mentally challenged.
Oh, by the way the C was in, yep you guessed it, " FRENCH!".
From Carry, I'd guess #6.
1. clever: showing intelligence and mental alertness smart students
2. keen: shrewd and calculating in business and other dealings
3. witty and amusing: amusingly clever and possessing a quick wit
4. insolent: disrespectful or impertinent
5. tidy: with a neat and well-cared-for appearance
6. fashionable: fashionable and stylish
7. lively: vigorous and brisk
8. stinging: causing a sharp stinging sensation
9. military laser- or radio-guided: used to describe a missile or weapon that is guided to its target by laser or radio beams
10. electronic engineering electronic: with a built-in microprocessor