Since when does 1 bu = 1 gallon? Care to check that math?
I was assuming that that wuold be the maximum yield. I know, and you probabbly do as well, that actual yield will be far below that since you cannot obtain more than one bushel of fuel from one bushel of product can you?
how many bushels of apples do you need to get one gallon of ceider?
2.7 billion X 5 = 13 billion gallons if you use all the soybean and I sure we can grow alot more.
The distribution tables for US soybeans for 2002/3 (preliminary) show that of 2.793 billion bushels of soybean consumption, 65% (1.615 billion bushels) went for crushing into soy meal and soy oil, 42% went to exports (1.045 billion bushels), and 5% went to seed, feed and residual (133 million bushels). For 2003/04, the USDA is forecasting a decline in crushings to 1.485 billion bushels (59%), a decline in exports to 890 million bushels (36%), and a slight reduction in seed/feed/residuals to 129 million bushels (5%).