I actually believe him. I also believe that he's too stupid to have realized that his words could be taken another way -- as a smear on the American military.
I am enjoying his discomfort.
And they say President Bush is inarticulate.
No politician - no writer - no public figure - says, writes or does anything without giving maximum weight to what will be said, written, or done without giving weight to the ramifications of what will result from those words and actions...UNLESS, I guess, you are a Democrat who knows that there is an obsequious media ready to cover for him/her...such as this Kerry guy.
They almost don't make me mad anymore. There are exceptions, but I know who they are now. To paraphrase a famous American, I know them like I know every square inch of my naked body. (The "glorious" will be for my wife to decide) Hanging around here at FR, and listening to people like Rush, Tony Snow, Hannity, Larry Elder,Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt and the like, I have learned. I am armed. And dangerous.
I took it as a smear on our military.
The bastard wants to be President, but is too stooopid to understand Commander In Chief.