1 posted on
10/31/2006 9:37:49 AM PST by
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To: Mo1
2 posted on
10/31/2006 9:38:50 AM PST by
To: Mo1
Oy Johnnie, we hardly knew yee!! Bwhahahah!
3 posted on
10/31/2006 9:38:55 AM PST by
To: Mo1
This man is a serious United States Senator?
God help us.
To: Mo1
5 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:22 AM PST by
To: Mo1
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."Kerry is fermenting used food.
6 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:32 AM PST by
(Prayers for our patriot brother, 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub. Brian, we're all pulling for you!)
To: Mo1
This the guy who sat scratching himself before the U.S. senate while accusing American soldiers of being worse than Genghis Khan?
Who is he kidding?
7 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:32 AM PST by
("The entire remedy is with the people." - W. H. Harrison)
To: Mo1
8 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:32 AM PST by
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: Mo1
9 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:46 AM PST by
(EeevilCon, Snowflake, Conservative Fundamentalist Gun Owning Bush Bot Dittohead reporting for duty!)
To: Mo1
AND, lest we forget, did you know he served in Viet Nam?
To: Mo1
I thought I flushed, but wouldn't you know, I look again and this crap is still here.
11 posted on
10/31/2006 9:39:59 AM PST by
(I just love that woman.)
To: Mo1
And they call the right "mean spirited" and "divisive."
To: Mo1
Sucks for you that it was all caught on camera, Johnnie.
13 posted on
10/31/2006 9:40:23 AM PST by
(The Red Chinese are going build MG's in Oklahoma-- that's just wrong on so many levels.)
To: Mo1
John Kerry is a very very bad human being, in other words, a leftist. For America's sake, keep his sick party out of power!
14 posted on
10/31/2006 9:40:29 AM PST by
To: Mo1
Not very contrite, is he?
He's still the same jackass we beat in 2004.
To: Mo1
17 posted on
10/31/2006 9:41:06 AM PST by
To: Mo1
John Kerry....a big part of "the Enemy Within"!!!!
18 posted on
10/31/2006 9:41:23 AM PST by
(Defending Our Bill of Rights, Our Constitution, Our Country and Our Freedom!!!!)
To: Mo1
I wish this actually did represent a public meltdown from this scumbag, but it is a carefully calculated response to make him come off as "tough" and not as the eitist wussbag he is.
This is part of his 2008 strategy.
19 posted on
10/31/2006 9:41:34 AM PST by
("The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten." - Calvin Coolidge)
To: Mo1
Some "veteran."
To: Mo1
Come on. This is a joke, right? You made this up.
To: Mo1
Oh come on. This must be a joke. He can't have really said this.
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