"It's a shame that politicians won't address abortion, simply on a political level. The pro-abortion position can't withstand the light of day. A simple rhetorical question like, "Why should people have the right to kill their children?" repeated ad nauseum, could do wonders for a campaign, and people's consciences."
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) made a commencement address some years ago at a college near where I live (I attented this address). At first he engaged in the usual platitutdes given to newly-minted graduates, and the graduates politely listened (this was a graduate program, grads. in their mid 20s by and large), then he transitioned into a pro-life, anti-abortion theme that seemed more like a stump speech. As soon as he changed his theme, the graduates began tuning him out in droves. It was not a message they wanted to hear, especially in a graduation address. Maybe the banal platitutdes are best in that circumstance.
There's a time and place for everything. Then again, he may have saved some lives.
To my mind, we're living in the middle of a new Holocaust. As the Left is fond of saying, "silence equal consent."