We are not only pro-life, we are pro-parental rights, and, as such, we should not violate our own ethics and principals to try to win the culture war. To impose these images on young children should be offensive to all of us. These are 11 year old children. I am saving my copy of "The Passion of the Christ" to show to my grandchildren when they are old enough to understand the graphic nature of the violence visited on their Lord for their sakes. This type of violent imagry must be reserved for those that are able to handle it. As I read the posts that say "The other side is doing it, so we should, too", I'm shocked that we who call ourselves Christians want to use evil tactics to achieve righteous ends. The death of Christ Himself should prove to us that God can use the evil tactics of others to His righteous ends, but He Himself does not perpetrate evil. Why on earth would we want to? This teacher is wrong, no matter the ends he is trying to achieve.
I don't think many are disagreeing that this film is inappropriate for kids.
One issue seems to be - how to punish the teacher?
In that area, it DOES seem relevant as to how "the other side" has been punished in similar situations.
If he doesn't show remorse or reconsider his tactics - then he will have suffer the consequences - absolutely.
As I said, this should probably be toned down for younger children; but when it comes right down to it, I would prefer to see a ten year old girl horrified by the truth than see her commit suicide a few years later because she was never told the truth and was overwhelmed by guilt.
My mom is a devout Christian, but she still has not seen "The Passion of the Christ". She knows she cannot handle seeing the violent images. She doesn't need to. There is no need for her to see it.