The first question someone should ask about anyone running for President is - "what have they run and how successful were they?". This is why governors are often sought after for nominees for President. Hillary hasn't run jack and has no accomplishments.
Exactly. Read above what clinton appointee and Berkeley professor De Long said about missus clinton's 'executive skills.'
I've been studying the clinton-Spencer debates, preparing these 'vignettes.' Spencer made mincemeat of her. Whenever she was forced even slightly off message, she reverted to form, i.e., she went from plain programmed banal to lame bordering on incoherent.
Chalk up her ascension, such as it is, to the zipper-hoist.
"---This is why governors are often sought after---"
I agree but then look at what Arkansas gave us. No that's wrong, Arkansas is a great State - just the wrong person was running it!