Interesting -- I thought the conventional wisdom was that it's the other way around?
I don't see the Ds being very effective, to be honest. As unhappy as the conservative base is, the Ds should be guaranteed to sweep both houses. Yet they're scrapping, hoping to take one.
I just don't see the Ds as having the stomach for the real political fight on points. They seem primarily wrapped up in idealistic notions of "We're good, they're evil".
Maybe that's just me, tho.
"Interesting -- I thought the conventional wisdom was that it's the other way around?"
I think the current political situation is looking a lot like the movie Casablanca, with the Democrats being shocked, shocked! at the horrible things that the Republicans are saying.
Sticking to this one problem I have with the Republican party (amongst several), I don't think that historically speaking, Republicans have had much of a stomach for the fight. Contemporary American politics is waged on several levels; in the newspapers, the courts, the legislatures, the elections, the alternative media, the churches, etc. etc. Until the past few years, you've seen the GOP back away from those engagements, except perhaps in the alternative media and then again during the election cycle.
For example, how quickly do effective Republicans get thrown to the wolves when there's the first whiff of scandal? Contrast what happened with Gerry Studds versus what happened to Newt Gingrich. Do you honestly think that the Democratic party would be so hasty to pull a Newt Gingrich on one of their own? Especially one that was such an effective voice for the party?
No, the Republican Party (until very recently) has been the conscientious objectors of American politics. Shying away from from most political engagements, and essentially ceding the field to their opposition.
As I've noted, this election might force me to reconsider. But until I see some sustained intestinal fortitude out of the GOP, I'm going to prefer to have a Democratic division in front of me than a Republican division behind me.