as an fyi, if you were to properly contend that my statements were inaccurate, then you would show a 10 year study of population growth/decline along with real estate prices in the northeast (which includes, PA,MD,VA,NY,CT,RI,MA,NH,VT, and ME... not just a few blocks in NYC). I could easily show plenty of stats of the population boom in FL since 1995, along with real estate numbers matching my statements. Considering all the newspaper reports in FL over the passed 10 years, I'm guessing its up to you do present your 'facts'. doubt you will.
as for the response to your posts attracting nothing but negative responses, I'm guessing that happens in your real life as well. if you cannot behave civilly on a web post, then i doubt you behave any differently in every day life. of course, maybe you do.. for fear of getting a smack across the chops for wising off to the wrong person.
"ilk" and "pet" aren't "name calling". I suggest that you enroll in some night classes for remedial English classes.
You haven't "presented" any charts, facts, nor newspaper articles, but you are demanding that I do? And WHY for just Florida...because you've lived there for a bit? LOL
I have lots of friends on FR, I hardly ever get posted "negative replies" and when I do, it's from KOOKS.
I took a quick look at some of your past posts and from questioning dougfromupland's FACTS, to much of the same kind of drivel you have posted to me, you have some sad record here!
Your projection complex problem is astounding. Go get some help and if you can't afford to pay for it, there are free clinics; even in Florida.