Chafees numbers are artificially low, methinks folks like me will end up voting for him when they walk in the booth. We'll see. I know it is counter intuitive and flies in the face of the data but there you have it anyway sensei.
This is a fun election for psephologists. Some are going to go down in flames, perhaps. What is your case for the Missouri initiative legalizing cloning? In any event, that does not matter. The fact is, is that Talent opposes spending federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research. Yes, I know, that it might not be the most value added approach to keeping my old bod alive, but that is a science issue, and science loses so often when it comes to these kinds of issues. I suspect you agree, that a majority of voters don't think such zygotes or whatever they are called, qualify for protection as nascent human beings, of which as you know, I am one. We all have our little leaps of faith, even those "objectivists" who claim otherwise in their willful hubristic ignorance. :)