The mere thought of putting Dims in office is morbidly treasonous in its own right and for the sake of all who love this country, must be stopped dead in its tracks.
Yep, the sad part is that some of the Repubs (RINOs) have found the fast track to the quick buck and political power is through liberalistic actions. Spending, socially liberal crap (open borders), the giving away of our soverignty, etc. All of these things have been bait to weak Repubs who really have no business being in office where they only serve themselves, like liberals. The Repub party of old (Reagan+Goldwater), myself included, are finished unless a uniform return to conservatism and staunch protection of the Constitutional rights, is to occur.
If not, we will all be on top (or under) a huge socialist/Marxist dung heap....
My point exactly.
We've lost our very identity--and that is exactly what our country needs right now.
Not more Marxist-Leninist and Socialist bull put up by Libs and RINOs--heck, that's the LAST thing a free society needs...