To: Fiddlstix
We're put of candy here.
Over 200 kids.
1,524 posted on
10/31/2006 4:55:59 PM PST by
(We have two political parties: the American Party and the Anti-American Party.)
To: onyx
That'll work
J One of the things about living "out in the sticks" like I do is no trick or treat.
Halloween is just another night. Nothing much going on here.
1,525 posted on
10/31/2006 5:01:05 PM PST by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: onyx
300 here and we ran out. What a zoo! It's like a giant block party in our little town.
1,534 posted on
10/31/2006 5:57:37 PM PST by
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