To: onyx
I made that one over five years ago. I have a folder of stuff just for freepathons
J Like my Coffee & Donuts post. I made it during my first FReepathon right after I joined FR. I "retired" it for a while but brought it back by "popular demand" J
1,312 posted on
10/29/2006 1:02:55 PM PST by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: Fiddlstix
Let me guess, besides organized, you're a neat and tidy guy too?
1,313 posted on
10/29/2006 1:05:43 PM PST by
(We have two political parties: the American Party and the Anti-American Party.)
To: Fiddlstix
Here's a new one for your
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Pulled on 10/29/2006 3:07:33 PM CST by John Robinson, reason:
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1,314 posted on
10/29/2006 1:10:15 PM PST by
(We have two political parties: the American Party and the Anti-American Party.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson