Get a clue. I listened to the entire interview and the guy dodged the questions and hung up in a snit. I'd expect the race card to be dropped on DU, not here, especially from someone who admits not listening to the show in question.
i heard him perhaps on another radio show today dodge some questions regarding who originated the letters. But the dodge was of his fear as being advised by his lawyers not to say to much since he is under investigation, most likely.
I believe he is real however and is sincerely running on an anti illegal immigrant platform, and has no beef or should he against legal immigrants such as himself.
I have seen his signs for his election on the streets for months now, since before the protests early this year,, often with phrases regarding stopping illegal immigration. Many of his signs that are posted on the roadsides disappear soon after especially the ones that mention illegal immigrants. So illegal immigration has been his platform all along, and it is clear there are those who are out to silence him.
There may have been a falsification of misrepresenting somebody else's letterhead, which may have been his only crime,
but consider those whom he has brought to light, the possibility of illegal immigrants period, and the fact they may be voting, with false documents themselves as US citizens,
It is appalling that he is only person investigated regarding intimidation associated with immigrants and not the 10 of thousands of illegal immigrants and the forces behind them including the socialist anti Americans, who are creating fraudulent documents daily and intimidating the long time legal and established residents of his district
The only crime heaven forbid, is that these letters are not authentic from who they say they are from even though they cite US law truthfully.
Get a clue yourself ~ racism is alive and well in California, and it has its own cheerleading squad who get out there every single time to distract folks from it.
Mr. Nguyen did nothing wrong ~ he's the Republican candidate. He commands our support.