I don't care how much liberals trust or don't trust paper ballots. A 14 year old kid can't hack a paper election.
Yes...a 14 year old can hack a paper ballot.
The most secure computers around can be hacked if physical access to them is granted.
Paper ballots can be added to, altered, removed or destroyed if access to them is not strictly monitored. When someone can confirm on each and every singular base by base casis that ALL ballots are in custody of a VERIFIABLY trusted organization, then I will concede that paper is inherently safer.
The real problem is trust,, for decades the League of Women Voters in Miami-Dade stole elections for RATS by pre-punching ballots for the RAT candidates (using a drill press with a smooth punch ,, doing dozens of ballots at a time),, in 1992 they were caught by 2 Miami Herald reporters in the act who took some of the "spoiled" ballots to the Dade AG (Janet Reno) ,, Reno had the reporters arrested for stealing the election materials... it was then that Clinton saw her value and picked her up for his team.. Using the drill press for punching ballots lead to some off-center punches , and some incomplete punches ("pregnant") .. of course all ballots that had both a valid Bush punch and the manufactured Gore punch were automatically invalidated..
I don't like the electronic machines ,, they will always be susceptible to hacking ,, best to go with the punch card or scanner options.