To: ARealMothersSonForever
The details of this were not public when this vote happened. We need a vote on the TTC. What are you afraid of, that the citizens of TX might not let this happen? Heaven forbid the will of the majority get in the way of Gov Goodhair's schemes.
37 posted on
10/22/2006 2:22:44 PM PDT by
( (Proverbs 22:7). The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.)
To: Hydroshock
No, we need a vote on raising the gas tax $1.50 per gallon.
To: Hydroshock
We need a vote on the TTCSome people need a course in Texas civics. You had two votes already. The option of contacting your State Rep and State Senator have not been denied. If you happen to live in one of the two State districts that opposed this in the legislature, get thee to the Democratic precinct office and sign the petition to void Article 3, Section 49-k. Because you will have the distinct honor of being the first name on the list! Even Bell has sense enough to support this while he talks trash. If you doubt this, take a look at the petitions that the three nutballs have available. They are meaningless.
42 posted on
10/22/2006 2:49:40 PM PDT by
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