Do you think that the soldiers firing artillery from fortified positions in the mountain side are going to just stop if a tactical nuke or two goes off 50 or 60 miles way?
Oh I've no doubt the NK forces would eventually break down and fall apart, but the level and scope of damage inflicted by then would still be horrific.
Yeah, I do. Well, at least I suspect they probably would. I know they are well trained, brainwashed and loyal, but a nuke is a different story, you can't fight or kill a nuke and they would have to realize that to not retreat would be foolish suicide.. One nuke would probably not do it ... but two?
Anyway, I obviously have no deep insight into the NK military's psychic makeup and could be dead wrong. I'm just basing the opinion on what I think any human would do under the cirumstances. I hope that if this situation occurs that I am right.
Maybe if they are blinded from watching a nuke or two go off. They'll all be suffering from the worst welding flash retina burns they ever imagined.