"Envy may be the second deadly sin but it is required for socialistic and RAT policies..."
A qualifier is needed, as to the "envy". Envy can be constructive ["he speaks six languages, and I am stumbling even in my own. I envy him, so I'm going to study and become like him"] or destructive ["he speaks six languages, and I am stumbling even in my own. I envy him, so I'm going to hit him hard in the head so he becomes like me"]. Only the latter type is RAT/socialistic. The former is a good, conservative-tinged envy type. All of us would benefit were it more widespread.
It helps some to distinguish between "envy" and "jealousy." A person that is jealous ordinarily wants to completely possess the object. The person wants the focus of the jealousy completely without sharing with the one who seems to be succeeding.
Envy, as the second deadly sin, has one overt important characteristic--it has no normal referent. By that I mean one has to eat but to eat too much is "gluttony." To procreate requires lust but "lust" for its own sake is a deadly sin and so on and so on. Jealousy may be destructive but it is part of the human condition that mature people deal successfully with and without harm to others and its basis is "love" of the object which is a normal human experience.
Envy also has one covert, important characteristic--its goal is to destroy the envied object. You, or at least some, will deny this but look at history. Virtually every revolution and rebellion is based on "envy" with the idea of destroying the alleged, hated oppressor. Ditto for "envy" as a political motive. It may be ameliorated by law but taking wealth from others and giving it to you and others is a way of destroying the object -- rich people.
People use "envy" and "jealousy" interchangably. The Bible seems to do so as well although "covet" means more than jealousy in my way of thinking.