Exactly right..
Does/Do thoughts come from the human brain?..
-OR- from the human spirit?..
They cannot originate in both.. Some(people) attack that there even "IS" a human spirit.. and ultimately(I beleive) a Spirit(God) at all.. Evolution as a concept attacks indirectly ultimately "the Spirit(God)"..
I must confess I havent, to my own satisfaction, worked out exactly how this operates. The brain is of the body (temporal). The mind is of the spirit (as many of our acquaintance have observed). The brain is an instrument of the spirit (as is the whole of the body). The brain and the mind cannot be disjoined, nor can they exactly be thought of as one and the same.
In the instance of a physical disease we tend to speak of the brain. In the instance of a psychosis we tend to speak of the mind (when a physical cause is not obvious).
There are, of course, those who would insist none but a physical cause exists for any dysfunction of the mind, and that the word itself is merely a synonym for brain, used most commonly in the instance of certain contexts. Such would be the argument of Dawkins, I presume, and I must further assume, had he the power to realize his ambitions, that he would be quite amicable to the idea of treating someone whose ideas might be too divergent from those of his own. Such as the ideas of Christian Conservative nuts just slide a needle past the eyeball and inject the cure direct into the brain and why not in a mechanistic universe consisting of nothing but random neuron discharges and unguided chemical reactions. Shades of Heinlein and The Brotherhood { 8^).