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Classical liberalism is akin to libertarianism. It's primarily a pro-capitalist economic philosophy. Ludwig von Mises wrote an excellent book years ago titled "Socialism" which literally chews Marxism to pieces as an utterly unscientific economic system.
Just because the word "liberalism" is used by an institute doesn't mean it believes in the modern connotations of the word, i.e. socialism, leftism, etc.
Uh, not sure why you posted this to me.
True, but if this person is affiliated with the institution and this is at all indicative of its views, then there is no doubt about it, none whatsoever.
This writer wants to have it all ways. For Gun Control, against Gun Control. For government action. Against Government action.
Nothing personal, because you did not write it, but this is crap.
The insurgent's objective is domination. Their aversion to government and rebeliousness is a means to install their own brutal form of domination over their neighbors