Ironically, I see liberalism hung by it's own petard. Do we have the freedom to associate with who we wish? Well, an "all male" or "non-Jewish" country club is automatically evil, and must be considered bigoted, and therefore destroyed. Can a business only allow "certain" people inside? I must admit I am torn on this issue. Part of me thinks this is blatant discrimination that wouldn't be tolerated for a second by liberals in any other situation. On the other hand, is this guy allowed to be a bigot, or retard, or intolerant jackass? Should it be all economic? If he refuses to pick up "evil" people with alcohol, then shouldn't he therefore suffer the consequences of losing out on paying customers?
You bet and should those who are not bringing alcohol in the cab decide they don't want a Muslim driver?
Any driver who participates in this nonsense should deal with more than the loss of one fare.
Taxis are a regulated public utility, requried to take all legal business, in exchange for market protection from unlicensed competitors.
The proper response is to yank the guy's taxi license.
(Or get government out of the taxi regulating bidness...but that's a topic for a different thread...)