"What water bond?" said Assemblyman Doug La Malfa (R-Richvale). "You mean the land acquisition bond?"
Paying for traditional, General Fund expenditures with revenue from bonding. Committing two generations of taxpayers to support the spending excesses of one.
This is the legacy of the CaGOP, more specifically of Arnold Schwarzenegger (Prop 57/58). Voting for any of these measures will commit your children to underwrite Schwarzenegger's creative strategy, now adopted by other liberals in California. The liberal gift that keeps on giving.
I urge all conservatives to vote NO on these measures and send a message to our liberal governance:
Stop borrowing to fund routine expenditures for parks and recreation.
Reduce social spending and the size of state government and there will be plenty of tax money to protect California's natural heritage. Spending just the interest payments on Prop 84 ($5B) will buy a fair strip of land 1/2 mile wide along the Pacific Coast Highway at prevailing retail prices.