To: SierraWasp
6 posted on
10/15/2006 1:44:35 PM PDT by
("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." P. J. O'Rourke)
To: calcowgirl
Excellent! The appropriate back-pressure is building just at the right time, I hope!!!
7 posted on
10/15/2006 6:50:52 PM PDT by
(To be fair, Bill Clinton did more than any other President to protect us from the Branch Davidians!)
To: calcowgirl; Amerigomag; NormsRevenge; Carry_Okie; Paloma_55; tubebender; hedgetrimmer; forester; ...
I hope all the FreeRepublic Athletic Governor S&M's supporters enjoy the binding and chaffing brought on by future CA bondage! I know I won't!!!
8 posted on
10/16/2006 12:02:40 PM PDT by
(To be fair, Bill Clinton did more than any other President to protect us from the Branch Davidians!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson