Freepers must remember, the GOP and Dems do not have a majority amongst the voters. 15 to 20 percent are independents and they hold the balance of power. If the GOP loses, it is because the independents swung heavilly towards the Dems. For the independents, they do not see much of a difference between GOP and Dems. If they sense there is a need for change they will vote the incumbents out of office and replace it with the opposition. If the GOP loses they lost because they could not convince the independents to vote for them.
I really don't buy this argument and even the Great Limbaugh has debunked it time and time again.
That there is a huge swath of "independent" voters "frustrated" with the political process is ludicrous. If the GOP sticks to a strong conservative message, these people will be won over easily. See Reagan's landslides and the 1994 Republican Congressional takeover for examples.
All this talk about "middle of the road," "centrist," and "moderate" is nothing more than DNC/media ruses to move the ideological hash marks further and further to the left.