Well .. you can have your defeatest attitude that repubs are all bad all the time theory .. but I just don't agree with you.
Sorry .. you can have your "feel sorry for me because my party is going left" atittude and put it where the sun don't shine!!"
Well no I don't feel sorry for myself--I have a remedy. And no I don't intend to stay home to punish the Republicans, I intend to go to the polls and vote against most of them as I did against George I (H.W.Bush).
In the case at hand in Washington, I might not have to vote for Cantwell to vote against McGavick because there is a fine Libertarian in the race I like and can vote "for".
In the case of my Congressperson, I am just going to vote for the Dem because I don't see any difference between the two candidates.
You can do whatever you want .. but not one word of whining when Pelosi raises your taxes and Rangel defunds the war .. the we are overrun with terorrists like Israel used to suffer.
Hope you enjoy your victory! You didn't punish the repubs - YOU JUST PUNISHED ME!! You can't get more stupid than that!!