Although I do believe that the "man causes global warming stuff" is a bunch of crap, this is not the example we want to use to prove our point. Why? Because lake effect snow occurs when warm water in the Great Lakes is sucked up into the cold air and becomes snow, heavy snow. The greater the differential between the water tempreture and the air tempreture, the greater the snowfall potential. If I were representing the wacko left, I would argue that this particular snow event is the result of global warming because Lake Erie was warmer than normal at this time of the year due to the very warm summer, which was caused of course by global warming.
Global Warming is caused by solar cycles, man has nothing to do with it.
I grew up in Genesee County, yes it's early for a storm, but they have recorded snowstorms in June destroying all the crops in the 1830's.
The timeline of scientific recorded meteorology is under 100 years. How does that compare with the timeline of mans history or earth's history. The Great Lakes were formed by glaciers and the whole region was under a mile of ice not too long ago in geologic history.
Buffalo and Western New York have the infrastructure to handle storms like these. Just not for record wet snow and deciduous trees with leaves.
The /s was for sarcasm.