What do you think? East Coast USA , West Coast USA and the Heartland?
I'd be happy with that. Of course Texas might split off as well (which would be a mistake if the above happened)
Sort of. Southeast goes with the heartland. Illinois with the Northeast.
Eastern parts of west coast states will be plenty miserable, and the borders will be subject to change.
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine(?) will be problematical due to over-diversified culture.
Considerable migration from some of these areas.
Consider that Utah just determined that the University of Utah may not prohibit firearms and that teachers are being encouraged to arm.
In Kalifornia, the laws are becoming so strict, its hard for a law-abiding person to even know them, let alone follow them.
After the break-up, no gunowner will want to be in the blue areas. Such gunowners will not be receptive to finding anti-gunners in their new place of residence.
The migrations won't be "forced" but the laws will be changing quickly to protect the values of the majorities.
Liberals don't realize that their collectivist policies have been tried and have failed miserably. It will fail here also but it will be plenty painful for some.
Expect that the world economy will stumble badly for quite some time.