Thank you, AnnaZ. I need to read this book, and I appreciate the review and the reminder. Too often I get so discouraged by the stupidity of the left that I retreat into observing and not participating, silence instead of speaking out. I think I need to read this book.
If I was wealthy....I would order one for ALL of the Republicans and dems in Washington.
Of course, I doubt that the dems would read it...but,
This book definitley serves as a reminder that silence is tantamount not only to consent, but to annhilation. The situation is that stark.
We need to buoy those in power that get it, and defang those who do not. I hopped onto the book for a little rollicking, and instead was handed a mandate. The time is now.
Thanks for taking the time to read the review. Please come back and let me know what you thought of the book.