Ah, how some of us long for the restoration of the Czarist Russia, with the Cossacks to keep order.
Bush took the "No WMD" bullet to spare Putin from the consequences of helping Iraq transport them to Syria, solely because he was advised that this threat was grave. Now that Putin is going there anyway, maybe it's time to correct the record in the weeks before the election?
Until the spy crisis, that is. President Vladimir Putin, breaking with almost a century of Russian policy, announced that "native Russians" should be protected, and illegal immigrants driven out of Russian marketplaces. ==
Manipulation again:). Putin said the "native ethnicities of Russia" not "native Russians". The "native ethnicities of Russia" mean those etnicities who invested thier lands into whole Russia territory.
Russian internal passports are still marked with the notorious 'fifth column', which states the bearers' natsialnost or nationality, as distinct from citizenship. ==
It is the direct lie. There are no "fifth column" in the ID (the internal passport). For now the etnicities marked ONLY in the one's birth certificate.
Marmeda is is so fun to disprove lies in your posted sources:))