2 months enough time? Absolutely. IF he had received/read that journal. I certainly don't read every journal for my profession. I could never possibly keep up. Keep in mind he also was no longer a professor when serving in congress... thus further reducing the odds...
I'm not saying it wasn't possible that he would have known about the article.... but saying that he had previously been a psychology professor and that the study was published in a psychology journal meant that he must have read and known about it while serving in congress is a stretch....
Strickland had over two months notice as to what the issue was. As shown by below timeline, Strikland's only defense is that he does not read his mail then!
4/16/99 all members of Congress receive letter on study from the APA.
4/21/99 Representative Joe Pitts (R) of Pennsylvania sent a Dear Colleague letter to all members of the House of Representatives condemning the Rind et al. study, with a copy of the Dr. Laura 4/20/99 editorial from The Washington Times.
5/10/99 The Family Research Council sent letters denouncing the Rind et al. article to all members of the House.