face it, most of what you evidently "know" about the WBTS & the 19th century is based on KNOWING lies, out of the REVISIONIST/socialist/LEFTIST lunatic fringe of academia. had you propounded ANY of what you've said so far "on forum" on ANY campus 4 decades ago (when i was a student), you would have been laughed off the campus & branded as a FOOL. face it "Bubba" what you've been spoon-fed in school is divided about equally into two groups: KNOWING LIES & SELF-righteous, brainLESS bilge (dreamed up by the left to FOOL the IGNORANT!).
go do some real research on the WBTS & we'll talk again.
free dixie,sw
I haven't propounded anything. All I've done is to question what you propound, which seems wildly inconsistent and lacking in support. The fact that you're now resorting to ad hominem attacks rather than trying to support your argument can be seen as evidence that you realize your position is ultimately unsupportable.
And that's something that I DID learn in college.