I can't disagree with your analysis.
Do you agree that an armed principle or teacher, in a situation like those we've seen recently, could have prevented deaths by killing the 'bully'?
Well speaking of bullies, I guess the classroom podium would truly come across to students as a "bully pulpit" if the lecturer is packin'.
Listen, an educator in the classroom w/a gun that can be nabbed by students A thru Z only increases the access those 26 students have to a firearm...also does away w/need to smuggle one into a school environment. So, right now, if perhaps only student Z or students X & Z have ready access to a gun, that's better than 100% access.
As for a principle, that would only be potentially wise if there is no off-duty copy or armed security person on campus. Certainly, before schools get to placing firearms on the person of the principle, they should at least take the next step of reviewing the latest technology of an item that could disable a perp.
I think