But lets consider how they might see it. Finding the time to pump all day or leak through your shirt. Some women don't have office jobs or neat little bathrooms to use for this job.
Freezing the milk, thawing the milk, hoping you don't skip a pumping session or risk mastitis.(sp?)
If you believe that bottle feeding is as healthy as breast for your baby then something as simple as the above reasons would be enough to sway you to not breastfeed.
I didn't pump at work because I thought the bathrooms were nasty and I shared an office. It still worked out o.k. and I never got mastitis (that's an infection of the breast tissue anyhow, not caused by irregular milking -- even in cows.) We did share a case of thrush (another infection, also not caused by irregular feeding), but the proper meds for both of us soon set that right.
A lot of that talk is excuses by folks who don't want to take the time to make it work. Excepting always the people who have serious difficulties - some do!