Posted on 10/07/2006 5:25:39 PM PDT by SandRat
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, 2006 -- Two Army combat veterans who both lost something dear in the war against terrorism say they are determined to keep on battling, and proving it as they prepare to run the Army 10-Miler race tomorrow.
In December 2005, Spc. James Stuck was wounded by an improvised explosive device blast in Kirkuk, Iraq. His right leg was later amputated at mid-shin. |
Not like the MSM would like you to think troops are when they lose an arm or leg, not like the favorite MSM Doonesbury character that lost his leg in the war and wants to blame Bush.
Sorry I don't keep up on the cartoon characters names.
I agree with you 100%...God bless these brave men....but....
put the hankies away!
they don't want pity...just our support!!!
Something the lib/dems and msm will never give because lib/dems will sacrifice our troops and america to regain power!!!
no other reason ever is needed to always vote for republicans!!!!
Heck I need tissues when I see the Flag pass by at a parade, or hear the Star Spangled Banner played, or attending a troop's farewell to his final PCS to the Unit in Heaven.
There's no pity for the troops just pride, emotional pride.
More on Jesse Sullivan (wounded soldier)
DAYTON, Tenn. Jesse Sullivan has two prosthetic arms, but he can climb a ladder at his house and roll on a fresh coat of paint. He's also good with a weed-whacker, bending his elbow and rotating his forearm to guide the machine. He's even mastered a more sensitive maneuver hugging his grandchildren.
The motions are coordinated and smooth because his left arm is a bionic device controlled by his brain. He thinks, "Close hand," and electrical signals sent through surgically re-routed nerves make it happen.
Doctors describe Sullivan as the first amputee with a thought-controlled artificial arm.
here! here!
I am 100% with you!!!!
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