I stated a historical fact.
You're dodging oblique by taking my original reply out of context and attempting to allegate it as an attack on "authentic Biblical Christianity/Pentecostalism".
"It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so"...Heinlein
= = = =
No, it was the context of the original reply that conveyed the meaning I replied to.
Underestimating Holy Spirit's capacity to "blow where He wishes" is a majro flaw in Heinlein's very biased assumptions/observations. His hostility to Christianity is not particularly new information.
THE CREATIVE, SPONTANEOUS FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE is not about to be legislated into anything.
Small, stereotypic, narro, rigid, biased little tidy boxed perspectives of that sort will likely never be able to . . . encompass HIS CREATIVITY OR SPONTANEITY.