"apparently", does not count as slander or lying.
Notice that Mike says it all the time.
Apparently this, and, IMO that....
Several minutes ago, I was briefly flipping through the various cable news channels, and caught someone named Monique Dols and a fellow Columbia University cohort on Hannity & Colmes. Jim Gilchrist (of the Minuteman Project) was invited to speak at that particular college of propaganda a few nights ago, and was shouted down by Dols and her fellow propaganda pals at the university. Anyway, they were "discussing" the illegal alien dilemma (if you can call it that), and of course Dols and her "pal" are totally in favor of the illegal alien rape of America. I didn't catch the beginning of the segment, so I started asking myself why these two young, spoiled college brats are so concerned for the welfare (literally) of all illegals. So, I Googled "Monique Dols" and what do I find? She's a writer for the Socialist Worker! What a surprise! I hope Hannity made mention of this fact in the part I missed.