I had a similiar experience several years ago with Coyotes. I had just hunkered down on a pitch black morning and turned my flashlight off. I was sitting in some thick brush all nice and comfy overlooking a good sized ravine with about three runs converging at about 40 yards away. My back was to a large,dense thicket. I thought I kicked up some deer getting into position from that brush and was kind of upset about hearing the movement and thinking it ran away. The second I settled and got quiet, I heard some rustling behing me. Hard to tell how close in the woods, but as you know, in the quiet of a pitch black morning, everything sounds close. Then, I heard the distinct howl of coyotes. And they sounded very close. Suddenly thoughts start running through your head....I am trying to smell like a deer, my gun is not loaded, are they eating and calling or calling the hunt? Then it occurred to me, I really had to pee. I fumbled around trying to shove shells in my gun, turned my flashlight on scooted around.....I was a mess.
Not surprisingly, I saw no deer that morning.
Figure I'll have a clear shot at Mr. Cougar as he climbs the tree.
That's also why I wear a sidearm while deer hunting.