Since I've moved here from CA, I've heard, ad nauseum, from NC natives -- why would you move HERE? "We all wanna live in celebrity land!".
I see the Dem Game plan.
And over the past two years, allies in the MSM presses have regularly published articles about the "backwardness" of the Southern States (as though holding nearly Bankrupt, Educationally bereft, Man-Boy Child Association California as the "uber" model of Utopia).
Why, in your opinion, did Istook hire "Californian's" to run his campaign? Any sense on this? Jordan, grad of UC Berkeley. It's about "linguistics". That's what Dems are up to. Using and promoting a newer vocabular set which will add a "zing" to the "hicks" and make them feel envious, so they'll come on board the Democrat Mothership.
Dems see Guv Arnold's platform and positioning, think they can take him and the Red States too.
Problem is, Dems have ONLY taken a superficial reading of both Guv Arnold and the Red States.
This could get fun.