Isn't this how you raised us to be.
Heck we are the products of a lot of your failed cultural and educational policies. It wasn't X'ers that came up with "whole language" instead of phonics. We didn't come up with new math and other touchy feely programs like not keeping score didn't children's atlethics. So when you see kids who can't read, remember they followed your generations plan.
Some in my generation are continuing down the road. Kids in schools can't have Halloween parties, celebrate Christmas and next won't be able to bring cupcakes for a kids birthday.
I applaud the Boomers who didn't fall for the latest fad and were able to raise their kids well.
I think the biggest lesson from the sixties is that one person can still do lots of harm when they think they are doing good, Rachel Carson(not a boomer).
I do think we need to tar and feather those who proposed that whole language would work better than phonics and those other bad programs from the 70s.
NO! Stop blaming your parents for your twisted ways and grow up.