Around here, the impression I get is that the libertarians' major concern is believed to be legalizing drugs.
I think it appears that way because that is one major issue where there is a big difference of opinoin "around here".
Take a conservative and shore up his belief in restrictions on government power and meddling in the affairs of the people. Naturally following these principles, remove his belief that social conservatism should be enforced by the government
Also, to hammer cops every chance they get. All cops are jack booted thugs, etc.
That maybe your impression, but I think the impetus for libertarians' legalizing drugs is to eliminate the reason for growth of big government and government agents trampling on people's rights.
No-knock searches, large-sums of money seizures, are some to name a few that are in opposition to the Bill of Rights.
Well, I for one consider myself a "classical liberal," although another term would be a "Jeffersonian liberal," much like Dr. Walter Williams. I just wish I was somewhere near as brilliant as he was. Using "modern" terminology, I guess you could say that I'm a "small 'l'" libertarian, with strong conservative leanings...
Here are some examples:
Fiscal conservative, government has gotten WAY TOO BIG!
Strict constructionist when it comes to the Constitution. The Judiciary and Legislative branch have both far exceeded their constitutional powers.
Abortion should be a states rights issue: Personally, I'm against abortion, except when the mother's life is in danger, although I'm not sure that I'd make it a criminal offense.
I support the "War of Terror" whole heartedly, my only problem with it is that our armed forces are being hamstrung by policy. We need to unleash the military on them and get this over with.
Strong supporter of border security and immgration reform. Step 1, close the borders. Step 2, terminate all social programs for non-citizens. Step 3, Enforce laws penalizing employers who hire illegal aliens. Step 4, Set up a guest worker program.
End the "War on Drugs." I see it incredibly harmful towards liberty and civil rights.
Oh, BTW... The last time I "did" illegal drugs was back around 1982... Well, I may be wrong about that... It may have happened the other day. I had a splitting sinus headache, and I asked a co-worker if she had anything, and she gave me a few cold formula advil capsules. In the state of KS, any OTC drug containing pseudo-ephadrine is now treated as a perscription drug, so we both may now be drug criminals!