There needs to be tpotection for people exposing puppy mills. First of all, don't ever but a pet from a pet store. That's where they get them.
We went into a pet shop one day and asked the man behind the counter, probably the owner, if they had a Scottish Terrier puppy. The man went into the back and came out with one in his hand. He dropped it on the floor from a standing height, in front of us.
These kinds of people need to be gotten out of this business. To them the "pets" are only a commodity. They don't even watch out for the commodity. If he were a crystal dealer he wouldn't come out of the back room and drop the glass on the floor.
My sentiments are against this legislation.
Recently, I learned that the AKC has decided to help PetLand stores register their puppy mill puppies. It seems the AKC has been losing revenue from a decrease in registrations so they hope to get more $$ from the puppy mills now. And now those puppy mill puppies will help further degrade dog breeding in the U.S.