So? Whoever posted this is an idiot.Please post something that is relevant. Not some knee jerk science,You read in in the tabloids...
I'm not metmom, but I'd like to add my experience.
My husband and I both have seasonal allergies and my older son (breastfed for most of 6 months, but not exclusively- he got formula at 6 weeks and cereal also at 6 weeks in an effort to get him to sleep) was allergic to milk and suffered from eczema and numerous ear infections as a baby. By 3 years old he had asthma.
When I got pregnant the second time, I had read enough about allergies to believe it seemed reasonable to at least try to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months. The hardest thing about it was resisting pressure from my in laws. Luckily they didn't live nearby!
My second son is healthier in every measure than my first. But the two children are very different in almost every respect, so it may not have been the breastfeeding. I'm glad I did it. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I would definitely consider it if there is a family history of allergies.
I'm allergic to citrus; tomatoes, and all citrus fruits. I break out from some sharp cheeses. I am allergic to salmon and maybe some other fish. Chocolate :((
I think I was allergic to the formula because my mother said I threw it up constantly (which can be a sign of food allergies). I've tested allergic to corn and grapes but can eat both.
According to my allergist, anyone can develop food allergies to any thing and they can come and go. If you avoid something for 6 mos to a year, you should be able to eat it again in limited quantities, except for really severe allergies or something like peanuts. Some stuff is much worst than others, for some reason.
Colostrum, which is what the mother produces first, helps seal off the lining of the stomach and intestines in something called *gut closure*. It helps prevent larger proteins from passing through the intestinal wall and causing an allergic reaction.
All I know is that I've got three very healthy kids with no food allergies even coming from a strong family tendency towards it.
I'll throw in my experiences...I breastfed all five of mine til about 10 months or so (they all started walking around then, and they were usually weened by about their first birthdays). No allergies, very healthy, little to no acne (ages 22, 21, 18, 12 and 9). I was bottlefed (a combo of PET evap. milk, Karo syrup and distilled water...its a miracle I made it!) I have lactose intolerance (and my dad used to comment, when he was around my babies...that they never spit up, and apparently, I constantly did). I also have an systemic allergy to shellfish/iodine (have to carry an EPI Pen). Also seasonal allergies; contact dermatitus issues with metals, some synthetic fabrics. My hubby, was also bottle fed (formula from a can...not a homemade brew like mine) and he can tolerate dairy products (though has some discomfort), has no systemic allergies. I truly believe that BF does make a world of difference later in life (digestive tract in particular).