You might think so, but looking at photos in the yearbook of my secondary school (Irish term for 'high school'), I remember seeing a photo of a group of girls - all in school uniform - except for one Muslim girl in traditional Islamic attire, no big public backlash ensued.
Pervasive meaning...if Muslims try to systematically change many "routine" culture norms in present US society to conform to Islam, not just school attire...but gender seperation, other tolerances, zoning for place of worship...etc...
How would you like it if Muslims sued a city council to change church zone to be "Mosque exclusive" b/c Sharia law mandates that no other faith can have a place of worship within 20 blocks? (This might be an extreme example, but, Islam is arguably a religon of extremes.)
That escalation in action by muslims, is what I mean by pervasive, and what would cause blow back.
Similar school dress outfits, you're right...but...slippery slope fallacy aside, we'll just have to wait and see.
One person's "traditional" is another person's "radical". And at the time that picture was taken, was Ireland being overwhelmed by immigrants demanding that Ireland change its ways to accommodate the immigrant traditions?