Yeah, well. These arguments are coming out of the Anglosphere now for years. These Anglos seem hard to please nowadays, lol. Germany is still a pretty wealthy country. I'm convinced, if Merkel manages to get rid of some of these 'socialistic` burdens the economy will improve.
The Muslims problem is going to be addressed, too. Just read what Merkel and Schäuble said about it. The USA/German relations relation are already improving so there are some silver linen on the horizon. You just wait and see. No need to take 'David's Medienkritik' too serious!. LOL
I am a very optimistic person, however when it comes to Germany I feel like most of them.....pessimistic.
I believe that EU/German/American relations will further deteriorate. Too many trend lines. Just wait 10 years when the EU is being blackmailed by Russia regarding energy. To trust Russia when it comes to Energy as their main supplier is just playing into their hand.
Oh well, it's their country, it is theirs to destroy as well.