There's no need to call this fiction. Even if every word of it is true (and it probably is), it does Bush no harm. Tenet came talking about feelings, noise, instincts, voodoo. No recommendations, no solid evidence, no specifics. What could Rice do with that? What could anyone do?
But Tenet thought the government could launch into immediate, effective action based on his "sixth sense" and information like "Bin Laden Threats Are Real" (this is why we keep the CIA!). Sounds like Black and Tenet expected Condi Rice to do some voodoo of her own.
I have no idea how Tenet got so far if he thinks that anyone could have prevented 9/11 based on a) the information that bin Laden was planning attacks against America and maybe within it, and b) the marvelous insight that this is a major problem we should do something about, pronto.
What a huge load of butt-covering by CIA. Designed to help the Democrats, of course. Apparently there was a meeting, but it is worth noting that Tenet had the chance to meet Bush every day. The notion that he needed to meet Rice to get the Gummint moving is a lie.
Bush made a huge mistake in keeping George Tenet. This book is yet another reason why.
BTW, Condi came out and gave a full throated denial that anything like this went on at that meeting.
Be Seeing You,