With this news... Matthews will spend all next week on Allen. He' ll get that old woman who vouched for the forged, Bush memo's to say that she saw him in black-face at a KKK fund-raiser.
' Matthews will spend all next week on Allen. He' ll get that old woman who vouched for the forged, Bush memo's to say that she saw him in black-face at a KKK fund-raiser."
Matthews has already done his Allen /wink wink Nazi KKK show.
Here's my summation of the Sept 26 show as posted that night.
" Ed Gillespie was on and no matter how many times or in how many different ways,
Gillespie would say- Allen never intended a racial slur or knew the word had negative connotations-
Matthews would continue to badger him over and over and over as to why Allen routinely uses racial epithets.
Matthews was one step away from accusing Allen of burning crosses and hanging blacks.
And of course, Matthews slimed the 83 yr old Mrs Allen as basically being a Grand Dragon sewing white hoods in her spare time."