Rush talks about AP saying it is 'cool' to lose your cool...! LOL.
Cubicle bound
Article Rushbo referred to
Experts: Public Anger Can Be Refreshing
Some experts say, under the right circumstances, public anger can be refreshing
"It's more important than ever to cut through the clutter," says Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, senior associate dean at Yale's School of Management. "All of us are so over-managed these days. Public figures have platoons of protectors. It's more important than ever to show authentic, real emotion."
Sonnenfeld believes Clinton's anger was genuine, and yet intentionally uncensored. And he says Clinton has told him personally in the past _ he counts himself as one of the former president's many acquaintances _ "that when your critics are wrong, fire back on all cylinders. Take it on with full force and don't let up."
BJ Clinton is an example of "Luke" at the terrible two's.