I can't really agree with you about Cardinal Mahoney. I don't fault him so much for his stand on Mexican immigrants, because although I disagree with it there are some good Catholics who somewhat naively think this is the charitable position to take.
Mahoney, however, is not just naive. He has been a dissident and a troublemaker who has spent much of his life undermining the Church. There's nothing naive about it, it's deliberate. The sooner he is out of office the better. He should have been replaced long since by a bishop who is truly loyal to the Church.
Well you and I are on the same page.
I don't agree with Mahony either and I too believe he should be replaced but I am NOT going to smear the man.
We all make mistakes and I believe Mahony is on the wrong side of this issue of illegal immigration. The Catholic Church and her bishops should be demanding that Mexico FIX THEIR MESS instead of dumping their problems on our back porch. Mexico is one of the richest countries in the world and there is no reason for their citizens or foreign terrorists to be crossing our border illegally and/or allowing illegal drugs to be smuggled into America.