I know of a guy that was boots on the ground in Gulf War I and he said that there were vast underground bunkers in the Iraqi desert that could only be located with GPS.
I kind of hope so. But, I think Bush truely wants to heel this country. On 9/11 I didn't see the President of the United States I saw a man that was truely in pain. He didn't say he shared our pain he felt it and as much as he tried to put on a political face he didn't his humanity showed through anyway. Instead I believe there are elements out there that do have the ability to cause mass deaths in the US everything from Bio weapons to Nukes in Iran. The situation while dangerous isn't going to be too alarming to people that have confidence in our government. Letting on how bad it has been allowed to become could cause people to lose confidence in the governments ability to protect us. Perhaps this is the one and only reason for the Bush Administration to down play the extent of Iraq's weapons programs.